Hypnosis and the Treatment of Depressions: Strategies for Change by Michael D. Yapko
Hypnosis and the Treatment of Depressions: Strategies for Change by Michael D. Yapko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this book, Yapko not only demonstrates hypnosis is a viable and powerful approach to the treatment of depression but also confronts traditional criticism of its use head on. He first lays the groundwork for the book's dual focus, opening with a discussion of depressions. He then focuses on the historical perspective of depression and hypnosis as "forbidden friends," shedding new light on old myths about the use of hypnosis leading to hysteria, and even suicide. The result is a definition of hypnosis as a flexible and enlightened tool that offers precisely the multidimensionality that the problem demands.From reader reviews:
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